We were so busy hooking up that we forgot to check if she was asleep.' - Jake, 19ģ. Five minutes in, we heard a voice say, 'What are you guys doing?!' It was her roommate - sitting upright, staring at us from her bed. When we got back to her dorm, we went at it. In the Uber home, we started flirting and making out. One night, we were both coming back from a party. The girl I lost my virginity with was a good friend of mine. 'I was 18 and in my first semester of college.
We fumbled around with the condom in the dark, but eventually realized it would be easier with the lights on.' - Jay, 18Ģ. We waited for her parents to go to bed, and after what seemed like hours, they did. After waiting two or three nights out of anxiety, we were finally able to share the experience. 'I had just turned 17 and my girlfriend and I had been dating for a few months when we decided it was the right time. Below, 18 guys get real about the first time they had sex - who they did it with, how it happened, and how they felt afterward.ġ.
No matter how old you are or what the circumstances are, having sex for the first time can feel like a huge deal.